When walking away from a job interview, you hope that your skills speak for themselves. However, that’s not all that speaks for you. Did you know that a large majority of Americans make snap judgments based on your smile? It’s not something that we only see in our Peabody, MA dentist office.
Your smile tells a story. Whether that story is true or false is sometimes unclear, but the story is told none-the-less. When you are in a job interview, the last thing you want is for your potential employer to make negative assumptions about you based on your smile.
We can help.
Cosmetic dentistry services in Peabody, MA are easy in our office. We’ll help you have a smile you are proud of. More than that, you’ll have a smile that makes others see the best side of you.
Cosmetic Dentistry Options
The cosmetic dentistry options in our office are some of the best on the market. Let’s take a look at those options one by one so you can determine which might be a solution for your smile.
Dental Veneers
Imagine a manicure for your smile. A beautiful set of teeth simply placed over your natural teeth! That’s what dental veneers can do for you. The best part is that with proper care, these veneers will last for decades. Our expert dentists can make veneers look perfectly natural, and the material used will prevent future stains!
Gum Treatment
Your gums make a big difference in how your smile looks to others. Some people have gums that recede away from their teeth while others have gums that overtake their smile. In either case, we have comfortable, safe solutions to give you the smile you’ve been dreaming of, like Chao Pinhole® surgical technique to repair gum recession without grafts. All you have to do is call!
Teeth Whitening
A classic solution to make a huge difference to your smile is with teeth whitening. We offer take-home teeth whitening trays so that you can get your dream look in the comfort of your home. We’ll create perfectly-shaped trays and teach you how to administer the whitening solution. Within a couple of weeks, your smile will look brand new! A bright smile is the perfect introduction at any job interview!
Facial Rejuvenation
Looking younger is within reach with our facial rejuvenation options. We can help you repair your skin with dermal fillers and muscle relaxers. Within a couple of days, your smile will look years younger! It can all be done right here in your nearby dentist office in Peabody!
Don’t spend another moment wondering if your smile kept that future employer from calling you in for a second interview. Let your skills shine along with your beautiful smile! Call us today at 978-278-1760 to set up your cosmetic dentistry consultation. We’d love to see you soon!